Widyatama University Career Center Gathering
“Industry Needs for the Competence of Higher Education Graduates in the Era of the Independent Campus”
BandungĀ June 6 2023, Gathering Career Center at Widyatama University with the theme “Industry Needs for the Competence of Higher Education Graduates in the Era of Independent Campus”with the opening of the first event, namely the Sembong Zakura Dance by Japanese Language Students (HIMANIKA), followed by an Activity Report by the Head of the Widyatama University Career Center by Mrs. Tridharma Higher Education & Student Affairs by R. Wedi Rusmawan Kusumah, SE, M.Sc., Ak., CA and continued to the main event with presentation of material by Mr. Hendra Kusuma Somantri, S.Sc., MT as Representative of the Office of Manpower and Transmigration West Java Province, Mr. Bayu Wisnu Wardhana, S.Psi as the Human Capital Manager of PT. Favori Corp Sedaya and Ms. Siti Sarah as HR consultant for Hati Indonesia.
The Gathering Career Center at Widyatama University aims to improve the quality of prospective industrial workers to suit industry needs, develop and build the skills of prospective workers and expand cooperation with partners or companies.
In order to prepare HR to face social, cultural, world of work changes and current rapid technological advances, HR competence must be prepared to be better prepared for the needs of the times. Competent Human Resources (HR) play an important role in improving industry performance which has a positive impact on the industry. Higher Education is required to be able to design and carry out creative and innovative learning processes so that students can achieve learning outcomes by covering aspects of attitude, knowledge and skills optimally and always relevant.
Gathering Career Center activities, there were several gathering participants, namely the company’s HRD, as well as attended by several Widyatama University academic structures as well as students and alumni who attended the Gathering event to send CVs (Job Applications) to companies that open job vacancies and interviews.