Bandung July 4 & 5  2023, Widyatama University Job Fair Career Center with the theme of opening the first event, namely the Jaipong Dance, followed by an Activity Report by the Head of the Widyatama University Career Center by Ms. Yelli Eka Sumadhinata, SE, MM then followed by remarks by Ir. Rachmat Taufik Garsadi, M.Si and Dr. M. Samsuri, S.Pd., MT, IPU and continued to the welcoming and opening of the 2023 Main Job Fair Career by Prof. Dr. H. Dadang Suganda, M.Hum as Chancellor of Widyatama University. After the welcoming and opening ceremony it was continued with the signing of the MoU signing the collaboration between Widyatama University and LLDIKTI Region IV. And followed by photo activities with the invited guests.

In the 2023 Main Job Fair Career Activity which was attended by 500 participants with the aim of helping graduates of Widyatama University and non-Widyatama University prepare themselves to enter the world of work, Upgrading student enthusiasm to optimize their own potential in their respective fields, Encouraging human resources towards professional potential in their respective fields, Trying to establish sustainable and positive cooperative relations with industry, Bringing the academic world and the business world closer interactively in information on workforce needs.

Career Expo is an exhibition activity attended by companies engaged in various fields, and serves to provide opportunities for students or alumni to get to know the company and its work culture, Interact with company representatives, Send applications to vacancies, Follow the online job recruitment process or internship opportunities.

In the 2023  Main Job Fair Career activities, there are several companies participating in Job Fair activities, including:

  1. Independent
  2. Hartadinata
  3. Pharos
  4. Sinar Mas
  5. Barless
  6. Pawnshop
  7. Taeyang
  8. PKSS
  9. PT Favori Corp Sedaya
  10. GK Invest
  11. Out of School
  12. PT Soka
  13. CV Fortuna Jaya Bersama
  14. ATMA
  15. Manggala Indopratama
  16. TPFX
  17. New Hope
  18. PT Yeasts
  19. PT Agrodana
  20. Rifan PT
  21. Wom Finance
  22. Mandiri Finance
  23. Beyond 21

With PRFM Media Partners, Ardan Radio, and Utama TV. As for Widyatama University’s internal parties, including Widyatama Marketing, Inkopa and Wibi, LPAP, Widyatama Library, SPS.